Sunday, February 24, 2013

100 Followers Giveaway!!

I finished my Digraphs Packet: Craftivities and More just in time for my 100 followers giveaway!

My students loved the craftivities from this packet.  In fact one of my students wrote a story this week in her journal about how much I love crafty things. Anything that does not involve a worksheet makes me happy! (And the students too!) Here are some real life examples of the completed crafts.

I though the speech bubble was a nice touch. This class has a thing for eyelashes!  Some of our George Washington crafts had eyelashes too.  Poor George!

We wrote digraphs ending in th, ch, and sh on each shell.  Then they had the freedom to create their own beach scene. 

There are two more crafts (a box of chocolates and a peach), a word hunt and a printable included in the packet.

You also have a chance to win my Guy Butterfly and Benny Butterfly: a mini unit for y as a vowel. You can read about how I used it in my classroom HERE.

If you're interested in either of these products, be sure to enter my 100 followers giveaway!

The giveaway started today and will end Wednesday night 2/27 at midnight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Such great products!! Love the Guy Butterfly and Benny Bunny vowel y pack!! Fingers crossed!

    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  2. Tucker is a Goldendoodle. :) Labradoodles kind of look the same. I think most people just call them Doodles. :)

  3. What cute ideas! I'm just starting to work on digraphs with some of my kinders :)

    Carolina Teacher
