Friday, February 22, 2013

Five for Friday

I was excited to have one day off this week, but when I heard that some teachers had the ENTIRE week off I was super jealous! In all honesty, that one day of rest made a difference and I felt refreshed for the rest of the week.

1. I read Nicolas Spark's Safe Haven on Monday.  Has anyone seen the movie yet?

I have this thing about reading the book before seeing the movie. I thought the Hunger Games movie did an excellent job, but I was disappointed in A Time Traveler's Wife (my favorite book ever).

A few years ago, I read Charlotte's Web aloud to my students.  I talked to them about how books and movies about books can be different.  During testing week we watched the movie and one of my students asked me if Charlotte died in the movie.  I had completely forgotten that I had told the kids how the books and movies can be different and I responded "Seriously?" Then he reminded me what I had told him and I felt bad (and a little dumb), so I gave him a huge handful of beads (my class reward at the time) for outsmarting the teacher.

2. We learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.


A little background on our George Washington craft: I had found an image on Pinterest of the craft I wanted to do and pre cut the faces and shirts.  When it came time to put everything together, I realized that I had no hat or cotton balls for George's hair. My solution was to put out a bunch of blue scrapbook paper and have the students make their own hat. One of George's hats may have turned into a birthday hat. I think they love scrapbook paper as much as I do!

For Abraham Lincoln, we completed Amy Lemons' free President's Day Pack.  I absolutely love any craftivity she makes and my students have the most fun with her things. I failed to take a picture!

3. We started two digit addition and I had the students explore the ten rods and ones for 5 minutes before the lesson. They wanted me to take pictures of their structures.

4. I finally learned how to upload documents to Google Docs and share them with you (thank you YouTube). I made three freebies this week and I hope to make many more!

5. I actually won a giveaway! Kristen from Ladybug's Teacher Files let me pick anything from her TPT store. I chose Kristen's Ready to Number Customizable Library Labels.

I organized my library a few years ago, but I really need to go through it and clean it out this summer. The labels are beautiful and I can't wait to add them to my classroom!

Kristen also has another blog called Haute Off the Printer that's solely dedicated to her products.

Speaking of giveaways, I hit a 100 followers this week and I'm in the mist of planning a giveaway to celebrate! Check back this weekend!


  1. I'm your newest follower :) I had the week off and honestly I think it's going to make Monday really hard! Love your presidential crafts - we ran out of time before break and we're doing ours next week!

  2. Congrats on 100 followers AND winning Kristen's giveaway! That is awesome! I have never had to teach 2 digit addition with regrouping. Thank you common core! Are 1st graders REALLY ready to learn it? I obviously haven't got to it yet! :) Thanks for the freebies!

  3. I read the book Safe Haven...I loved it up until the last few pages! What did you think?!?!? I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan!!
    Ms. Shope's Class

  4. Thanks for the freebies! I have read a few Nicolas Sparks books. His books actually have the power to make me cry, how pathetic. Thank you for the freebies!
    Literacy Spark

  5. I read Safe Haven over Thanksgiving break. I loved it, but I am not sure I want to see the movie. The trailer seems so different.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

  6. Thank you for the freebies! I almost always love the book more than the movie. I agree, Hunger Games was pretty close. I can't wait until the next one...November seems so far away!

    Live Love Laugh and Teach!

  7. Love the structures your kids made with the math tools; reminds you that kiddos need time to be creative!!! Cute blog, we found you through the Doodle Bugs linky.

  8. I think we should have every Monday off and just teach 4 days a week. We would be so productive. I haven't read Safe Haven, but I think I need to check it out. Congratulations on 100, let me know if I can contribute something to your giveaway.

    The First Grade Princess

  9. I am totally with you on reading the book before I watch the movie! Usually the books are way better! Cute blog! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  10. Thanks for the freebies! I haven't had to teach 2digit addition with regrouping in many years, but I remember that I always enjoyed teaching it. It's not required, but I think my kids this year could handle it!
    I am a new follower!
    Still Teaching After All These Years

  11. Thanks for the shoutout, you didn't have to do that! It was so nice of you! I'm glad you like the labels :) :)

    Those presidents are too cute!!
