Monday, February 25, 2013

Manic Monday Freebie: Math

Math is my ABSOLUTE favorite subject to teach.  Sure, reading is exciting in first grade too, but I was naturally drawn to thinking of math activities when I first started teaching.

Funny thing is that I HATED math in school.  My brother remembers quizzing me on math facts and I would give him random answers.  Not even answers that made sense. I try to remember that whenever I have a student that is doing the same to me - it's like what I did as a kid coming back to bite me in the rear.

By far the hardest thing for me to teach in math is two-digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  Maybe it's because it's so natural to me now as an adult, but oh my goodness! I think it's also hard for my firsties because they are used to getting a concept pretty easily and this is the first time they actually have to think.

When I had the opportunity (re: had to do an assignment for one of my M.A.T classes), I designed a unit that helped me better organize how I teach two-digit addition.  My first step was buying 2 packets from TPT.

I like this packet because it has a lot of printables for students to practice.  It even has timed basic math facts printables that you can use throughout the year.  The only thing that it did not have was two-digit addition problems with and without regrouping on the same page.  The students are smart enough to know if a worksheet is all about regrouping or just has problems where they don't need to regroup. I wanted to see if they really grasped the concept of knowing when to regroup, so I made my own printable. (Click on the picture to download.)

I used this packet to plan the majority of my unit.  The activities allowed my students to be engaged, create visual aids to help them, and practice real life problems. 

When I first introduce two-digit addition I have the students model each problem.  I was using the place value mats from earlier in the school year, but that didn't really allow the students to line up their problems in the correct manner.  My firsties don't seem to understand that if they don't line the problem up correctly they could get a completely wrong answer.

I made this chart, printed it out on colored copy paper and laminated. Click on the picture to download your own copy!

Do you have to teach regrouping in your grade level?  Are there any tips you have to share? 

Don't forget to enter by 100 Followers Giveaway


  1. I just made a chart like that! Wish I would have read your post first!!! Thanks for sharing! :) I have never had to teach double digit addition with regrouping to my first graders before. Now the common core says I have to teach it. Are they developmentally ready for it??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for posting on Math Monday blog hop! Hope you join in again! :)
