Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pondering Pinterest

We started learning about two digit addition and my students are doing an amazing job following the steps to complete each problem!  For the most part, they are starting to solve the problem in the ones column before moving to the tens column.  That's a big feat if you've ever had to teach this concept before!

I'm going to do a post in a few days about how I teach two digit addition in my classroom, but I wanted to share this printable. It's a mix of problems with and without regrouping.  I'll be using it as our chapter test in two weeks. The quizzes and test from our textbook are way too confusing and, in my opinion, don't assess whether the students actually understand the concept.

Click HERE to download.

Now onto a very important topic - Pinterest! A few years ago (2009) I discovered teaching blogs and I LOVED the wonderful ideas from the other teachers.  But sometimes I would get overwhelmed with ideas and I didn't have a good system to bookmark all of the ideas I would find.

Enter Pinterest! I don't know how I found out about it, honestly. It probably was a blog, but I know when I started pinning ideas my (real life) friends really didn't know about. I sure as heck didn't even know if I was pronouncing it correctly!!

Well, I started pinning away and I can say it has made bookmarking ideas so much easier.

I have a little game going on with Pinterest - I don't want my pins to go over a certain amount (set in my head). Once I hit that magical number, I go back and delete pins that either I've printed the resource or decided that I'm not going to use that idea. FYI: If someone had repinned something from me, it doesn't delete the pin on their account when I delete my pin. 

Last summer I even declared that I was not going to pin anything school related for the month of June.  That lasted approximately 3 days. 

I'm curious - do you have any self-important Pinterest rules?

1 comment:

  1. When I got on Pinterest, I knew it would turn into a total life altering addiction, lol. So, at first, it was JUST for school. NOTHING else! Then, school and wedding...I mean, how else was I supposed to plan my wedding in a year and a half, hahah! Then, it was school, wedding, and recipes. Now, it's basically 7 million boards! PATHETIC I tell ya! :)
