Monday, February 11, 2013

Cranky Pants & a Freebie

When I woke up this morning, I accidentally put these pants on.

All the way to school I prayed that I would not be cranky at school. I was consciously trying to turn my day around, especially since nothing bad happened to me.  

Luckily it worked!  I even overheard one of my firsties reading the directions of an assignment to herself.  That is BIG in first grade, people! I was so dramatically excited (I may have fallen on the floor) and gave her a Star Dollar (part of my reward system) for being such a smartie.

We are in the process of making our Valentine's gift for our parents. I intended to take a picture of the final product, but I had to run out of school in the middle of my after school art class due to a migraine. Those migraines are serious business! I crashed for about 2 hours and am feeling much better.

We are studying the 5 senses in Health and I figured it would be amazing to see what my firsties thought of love.

It's a freebie at my TPT store, so if you need a last minute Valentine idea go and grab it! (I am still trying to figure out how to insert Google Docs into a blog post so it's easier to grab freebies.) Let's just say some of my first graders think love feels like skin.  Ooh-la-la. You better pray for me to make it through Valentine's Day on Thursday.  They are in L-O-V-E.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly get it about first graders reading directions! I felt that way about my first graders writing yesterday! I teared up a little, it is truly awesome.
