Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello 3 Day Weekend!

One of my favorite weeks of the year is over! I just love celebrating Valentine's Day with my students. There's still so much love to go around in first grade and it's so innocent.

You know what made be laugh even more? I was scrolling through Pinterest last night and so many of the people I follow were already pinning St. Patrick's Day ideas.  We can't even wait for one holiday to be over with! I know I'll be pinning some St. Patrick's Day ideas this weekend so I can't say too much! It's really going to throw me off that Easter is at the end of March.  Bunnies and clovers in March?

Anyhow, onto my weekly linky party post!

I don't know about you, but I adore these week in review linky parties. I don't have a lot of time or energy to blog during the week. I enjoy finding new to me blogs every week and getting some great ideas to use for the future.

1. Valentine's Day was a blast! We had a visit from the Sweetheart Snatcher and exchanged our treats.

2. Check out this Valentine's hair! Oh. My. Word. Is it not amazing??

3. We taste tested Hugs and Kisses.

4. We finished up our study of diagraphs and made 2 easy crafts.

First up was the peach craft. We brainstormed words that ended in "ch" and made an anchor chart (which I forgot to take a picture of).

(Yes, my students did say it looked like a tush, but what can you do?)

Our beach scene.

On each shell, students wrote words with ending diagraphs "ch" "sh" and "th."
I'm putting the finishing touches on my Diagraph Packet and it should be up this weekend!

5. I have *finally* figured out Google Docs! This is my first attempt uploading something to Google Docs, so if it fails let me know.  If you are looking for the Piggy Bank templates from a few weeks ago, here they are!

Click HERE for the templates.

Super excited for my 3 day weekend! I hope you have a break too!


  1. I like the hugs and kisses graph! so cute!

  2. The hugs and kisses taste test and graph is WAY cute. I pin holiday stuff all the time...but I too noticed an abundance of St. Patty's day stuff last night too. :)

    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  3. I love your activities for 'ch' - especially the beach scene. What a great way to explore the sound!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  4. I reallllllly wish we had a 3 day weekend! We did get out at 11:00 today.. so that is close but still would love Monday off!

  5. Hey Liz!
    Yay for figuring out google docs! That is on my to do list!
    Is the pig template supposed to be on two pages?
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. 3 day weekend? I'm jealous! I could use an extra day off.

  7. I LOVE the hugs and kisses graphs! So glad you had fun on Valentine's Day!


  8. I love the hugs and kisses graph! The review of digraphs is way cute too! I'll have to remember that! =)

    A+ Firsties

  9. Wow! That hair is amazing! I can barely figure out a ponytail haha! Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  10. I'm your newest follower! Your kisses/hugs graph is too cute!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  11. I am loving the hugs & kisses taste testing and graphing. What a fun idea!!

  12. I love the braids. What a great idea tasting hugs and kisses, need to file that away.

    The First Grade Princess
