Friday, February 8, 2013


Woohoo! We made it to Friday, people! It was one of those weeks where after school I came home and immediately put on my pajamas. I'm hoping this weekend my motivation to do anything will come back.

1. We started studying diagraphs and made this adorable Valentine's craft.

2. Is it just me or is inflectional endings super hard to teach? We started with past tense verbs and made it rain with those verbs. Any craft with scrapbook paper = awesome.

This craft is from Across the Hall in 2nd grade. You can purchase the templates and activities to go with the book The Day It Rained Hearts here. I used everything in the packet this week - it fit the needs of my students perfectly!

3. It's teeth time! We did the typical hard boiled egg in Coke and juice.

The smell in my room was amazing.

4. I felt like we made a zillion crafts, which leads me to tell you about my glue stick issues. I found a solution for issues with my pencils. Glue sticks are another issue. I've asked parents to send in additional glue sticks and I swear it's like my kids eat them.

I spent $20 on these big glue sticks last weekend and some students FORGET to put the lid on. Glue sticks are my new nemesis.

5. In math, I had some much fun with Michelle's Once Upon a Time Unit, I barely had time for the actual worksheets from the text.

How cute are those clocks??

I also gave my students cards numbered 1-12 and told them to make a human clock face. I should have videotaped what they did (and who became bossy). At one point I said "A clock is a circle, people." Then I selected a few students to be the short hand and long hand. They had so much fun learning about time.


I'll leave you with this little gem. Don't you love phonetic spelling sometimes? The best part of this is that it was a character trait printable.

The student said it was "shiny." ;)


  1. I love the way kids write sometimes. I'm always trying to decipher and they sure make me laugh sometimes. I can totally relate to the glue sticks..that and dry erase markers, I have no idea where they go. I am convinced the desks eat them!


  2. I hear ya on the gluesticks! I had an amazing parent my first year of teaching and was fortunate enough to have another one of her kids last year. All summer long they stocked up on glue sticks for me. They brought it to me in a large paper bag the day before school started last year as a present. :) We are now getting down to the end of our super large stash. I think for next year I am putting 5 extra glue sticks each on my list just to make up for it!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  3. The clocks are super cute! I also like the Valentine craft. I have not seen that before. And glue sticks...oh boy!


  4. TGIF is right! Those clocks are adorable! Great pics! =)

    A+ Firsties

  5. I am a bottle glue kinda of girl, glue sticks drive me crazy. They can never find the lid. I love the clocks. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess

  6. Oh goodness, those clocks are fantastic! Inflectional endings are THE hardest to teach. Good luck :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher
