Sunday, June 30, 2013

July Currently

I was thrown for a loop when I saw that Farley posted the July currently right after I did my post yesterday!! Everyone posted theirs so fast!

I'm staying at my parents' house in NC and that grandfather clock goes off every hour and half hour.  Somehow I manage to sleep through it at night though.

I love not having to be anywhere at a certain time in the summer.  I had the hardest time getting somewhere on time last week - my appointment was scheduled for 9am and I was rushing!  I don't know how I ever got to work at 7am!

I've enjoyed the pool AND reading for fun!  That's what summer is all about.

As much as it is nice to visit my parents and brother, I really miss my husband and my dogs.  My dad's health isn't too great and the visit is a little stressful.  I wish my husband was here to hug on me. Three more days!

To me the beginning of July is a little sad.  It marks that there is one month left until school returns.  I hope July goes by slowly, but it's a packed month for me.

My sister-in-law asked if I wanted to go to the beach today.  Is that even a question?  We are headed to Wilmington, NC - it's about a 2 hour drive from where we are.  (All I think about is Dawson's Creek when I hear Wilmington.)  I used up all of my sunscreen at the pool yesterday, so I need to make sure to stop and get some on the way.

Level 125 on Candy Crush - Help me!  I've only been stuck there for 2 days, so it's not completely awful.

Tips, Tricks and Hints
I love blogs that are authentic.  You can usually tell when someone is trying to act like someone they are not.  Stick with it too!  You should blog when you have something to say and not blog for numbers.  Because that's not fun anyhow!

Today is the last day for the Bloglovin giveaway.  I'll announce a winner (or maybe two) tomorrow morning.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Glue Sticks & Atlanta Meet Up

I had a non teaching friend share the most wonderful link with me a few weeks ago.  It's a way to get a dozen free glue sticks.

Don't worry, you don't have to give blood or your social security number to get them.  Although, at the end of the year I probably would have done anything to get my hands on more glue sticks.

Create your school supply list at TeacherLists and you will get a dozen glue sticks in the mail!  It took about a month for me to receive my glue sticks, so if you go back to school in August you might want to sign up for it now.

You can also refer you other friends and when they sign up you get another dozen glue sticks. It allows you to send an email with a referral code.  You better believe I'll be hitting up my teacher friends at school!

Collaboration Cuties and Ideas by Jivey are hosting an Atlanta Blogger Meet Up on July 20 at the Swan House.

RSVP by clicking on the button.

You have two days left to enter the Bloglovin giveaway!

Off to hit the pool before the afternoon storms roll in!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ten Pin Linky: Math Ideas

 I'm linking up with Ashley again this week.

I got extra nerdy with my math board on Pinterest.  I had over 100 pins on my math board and it was just too jumbled for me.  I started with my base Math Lesson Ideas Board and then created 4 more boards - Addition & Subtraction, Place Value, Number Sense, Geometry.  I'm in the process of doing the same thing with my Reading Board, but that's another topic for a different day!

Doubles Rap iPod - My students loved this last year!  I had such a musical group.  

What a great visual! I think this would be great to make when we are learning about commutative property with our math facts.

Source: Teach 123

Nothing drives me more crazy than the sound of the ten rods and ones. At least I know when the students are playing and not paying attention, but still! In this pin, the ten rods and ones are made from sponges.

I bought Cara Caroll's Calendar Companion last year and my firsties were actually engaged in calendar time.  (And I was too!)  This is a life size version that's perfect for your calendar area.

I used this to introduce my math centers last year.  It's like the Daily 5 for math! The pin leads to great math workshop organization ideas.

I really want to cut my composition books in half this year. We never use the entire book anyhow.

I like to send this home for homework for a number sense/tally practice.  

Easy way to teach double digit addition!  You have to go to the neighbor's house to borrow a how you borrow a cup of sugar from you neighbor.  Great analogy and I'll take anything that helps with this concept.

Ok, I didn't quite make ten, but my eyes are getting a little sleepy.  Good night!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bloglovin Giveaway!

Hey there! I'm on a mini vacation to North Carolina.  My parents moved there last summer to be closer to the grandkids.  Since this is the first summer in five years where I haven't worked, I decided to plan a  few trips.  My aunts from Michigan are also here and it's been good to catch up.  We have a pool and bowling day planned - excitment city here!  :)

With the announcement of the end of Google Reader a few months ago I switched over to BlogLovin.  The move was so simple and I actually like BlogLovin so much better.  A lot of bloggers have given directions on how to switch over and I'm sure you've seen those posts.

I know that not everyone has made the switch yet and the deadline is getting closer!  Amanda and Stacia from Collaboration Cuties decided to have a BlogLovin Giveaway.

I decided to join in!  All you have to do is make sure to follow my blog on BlogLovin!  That's its.  No Twitter following, Facebook following, Pinterest pinning....

You may have already switched over!  In that case, this will be an easy entry!

If you have not yet switched or are not following Polka Dot Firsties through Bloglovin, then there are a few easy steps to follow.  You can go to the sidebar  and you can click the button that says Follow this Blog with bloglovin.  Or, you can go into the Rafflecopter below and click the link in the first entry, and that will take you to my blog on Bloglovin.

You can win 2 items of your choice from my TPT store.  I added some cute polka dot items last week that I haven't blogged about yet, so check it out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway 
get the InLinkz code

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Favorite Things: Gettin' Fit

I think I've been fashionably late to every linky party lately!  I just had to do the Across the Hall's Favorite Things Linky though because this week's topic is Gettin' Fit.

I used to workout ALL the time. And then I fell off the wagon. I'm currently trying to get back on and make working out more of a regular thing.

I love my heart rate monitor!  I have an older version than this picture, but it still works great!  You input your age, weight, and height on the watch.  Then you wear the strap right underneath your sports bra.  It tracks your heart rate (duh) and how many calories you burn. <----best feature right there

While I feel like I'm not getting faster running, I can tell that I am by my heart rate.  Right when school ended my heart rate was HIGH - around 180-182 when I was running for very short periods of time. (Let me say this was NOT fast running).  Just about a month later it's in the 160's range and I'm running farther!

I love hot yoga!  It sounds awful, but you feel amazing afterwards!  The only bad thing is that the room overlooks the indoor and outdoor pool at my gym.  You just want to jump in!

These are my favorite running shoes!  They are super pricey, so I make sure to search ebay for last season's model.

I cannot workout without music!  Love that you can just clip the shuffle to your shirt and go!

Ten Pin Linky: Classroom Management

As I was scrolling through my feed, I found the best linky. It combines teaching + Pinterest!  What's not to love?? (Plus the button is  pink & green.)

Here's how it works: You link up 10 pins relating to the topic of the week.  Easy peasy, right?
If you like something you see in this post, please don't pin from my picture - click the picture and pin from my Pinterest board.  We all want to make sure the right person gets the credit!

This week's topic is classroom management.  I pinned everything from my Teaching Board.  (When I first started out on Pinterest, I had only one education related board.  That had to change and had to spend time rearranging everything. I'm now to the point where I have to rearrange my Reading board - too much good stuff out there!)

Source: Kinder Polka Dot Patch

1. Clip Chart Management 
This is one of the first things I found on Pinterest.  I always have trouble remembering at the end of the day why someone moved their clip.  I used to have the best memory, but then I became a teacher. ;)

Source: The Wise Owl

2.  Pencil War
I kid you not, this solved any issues that I had with pencils this year.  If you click through to the pin, it links to a free download on TPT. I also wrote about it here.

Source: Time 4 Kindergarten

3. Glue!

This is genuis!!!!  I ran out of glue sticks in April and honestly could not stand to spend another cent.  I wish I would have found this idea sooner.  I made the kids stick their finger in messy glue to spread it. I tried popsicle sticks but they ended up drying to the cup.

Source: The Tattooed Teacher

4. Copy, Grade & File Containers
I found this through the Made It Monday linky a few weeks ago.  I had these files on my desk, but honestly the folders got full very fast.  I like the idea of the drawers - out of sight!

Source: First Grade Fever

5. Whole Brain Teaching Freebies
I used a few callbacks last year and they worked SO well.  I didn't have any trouble getting their attention anymore.  AND it still worked at the end of the year.  Amazing!  I really want to learn more about it this summer.

Source: What the Teacher Wants

6. Tattling
Last summer I taught a week of summer camp and soon realized that I was going to have a MAJOR tattler in my class.  The sweet girl made a 4th grade boy cry!  I wanted to be proactive and did a lot of emergency telling vs. tattling lessons at the beginning of the year.

Source: Stories from Room 114

7. Behavior Board
I've seen this pin floating around a lot.  Every time the class is caught doing something good, you pull a popsicle stick (with a number written on it) and color in that number.  After ten numbers in order are colored in, the class receives a reward. I thought about making one of these with numbers to 120 since the Common Core goes beyond 100.

8. Unfinished Work
I thought this was a great tracker to send home unfinished work.  It's a free download on TPT!

Source: Fluttering Through First Grade

9. Bathroom Tallies
A few years ago I had some students that always seem to go to the bathroom. (no medical issues) I started a chart on a scrap piece of paper and all of the sudden they didn't have to go anymore!  Surprise! This chart is a little more formal and perfect if you have those kids that are up and down a lot.

Source: Doodle Bugs Teaching

10. Teaching Expectations
It's SO important to teach the students how you want them to sit, turn in work, etc.  You can expect them to read your mind and most often they want to please you.  I thought this chart was adorable and perfect for the beginning of the year.  

If you want to see more classroom management ideas, be sure to check out everyone else's pins at Just Reed!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pool Time!

Hello friends!  I can't believe today is already Friday.  Summer is going by WAY too fast.  I can't really say that I accomplished too much this week.  I've been alternating which couch cushion I sit on so the dent isn't too obvious. ;)  I did manage to hit up the pool earlier in the week and I'm planning to go again today.  Such the life, right??

Speaking of pool, I'm linking up with Across the Hall's Favorite Things.  This week's topic is about favorite things for the pool and beach.  

1.  I have to have a good book.  The week I've read 2  - they are really light reads.  Leave me book suggestions in the comments!  I love hearing what other people read.  I can never find enough books!
Here are a few of my favorites:

2. Sunscreen.  That goes without saying, right??

3. Have you seen these towel clips?  I got mine a few years ago on clearance at Target.  I love how my towel doesn't fall down anymore.

4. Snacks and water are essential for the pool too!  Before I took my nephews to the pool we stopped by the grocery store and I let them pick out one treat.  They were in heaven!  Any calories consumed at the pool doesn't count!

Holy yum - Cheeze its!

Got to have a salty and sweet combo!

Be sure to check out the linky!

Before I leave you today, I wanted to tell you about an amazing giveaway.

Check out Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks. You can win a $50 gift certificate for an Erin Condren planner.  

Have a great Friday!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Reading Survey *Freebie*

Tan 0
Sunburn 1

I think I jinxed myself when I said I don't get burned using the spray sunscreen...I burned my back yesterday along with a random spot on my leg and my ankle.  So glad my husband isn't here to make fun of me!

Beach Day 2 was a success though!  The forecast was calling for a 60% chance of rain, but it didn't rain until almost 3pm.  The morning and early afternoon was party cloudy with a nice breeze.  I finished my first book of the summer.  Too bad I was left hanging!  I checked Amazon and the next book in the series (which I didn't know if was part of a series when I bought it) isn't due out until September.  Ugh!!

But I do have a little treat! I worked on revamping a reading survey I send out at the beginning of the school year.  It's not as detailed as my former survey, but I like to send it home the first week of school to gauge how my students feel about reading.  Click the picture to download.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Currently

Hello!!!  Thanks for sticking with me!  It's been almost a month since I've last posted.  I started a few entries over those weeks, but never got around to finishing any of them.  I had a bad case of summeritis!

Now that summer is here I just might have to get on a regular blogging routine.  What better way to kick it back into gear than with Farley's Currently!

Listening -  ocean waves
I'm at the beach, people!!  So excited for a week in the sun!  It's just me and my parents.  My husband stayed at home since he had to work.  Pray for good weather because last year it rained almost everyday. (I got a little cranky.)

Loving - summer
Gosh, I love a glorious schedule where I can do whatever I want.  The first week out of school I didn't make any plans, just hung around the house and ran errands.  I need that time to decompress.

Thinking - I miss my students (just a little).
The first week is hard for me!  I'll see something or hear a funny joke and think "Oh, John would like that."  And then I realized I don't get to see them anymore.  :(  I ran a 5K yesterday and there were 2 former students there.  They ran the last .05 with me - it was so sweet!!  One mom said she was trying to get her daughter to do some review work on the back of one of my newsletters.  The little girl said "I can even look at her name. It makes me sad." LOL.  This is the same one who wanted to submit a prayer request saying "Pray for Mrs. Deal because she will be lonely all summer."  Love her!

Wanting - to lose about 20 lbs this summer
I've been doing good so far!  I downloaded My Fitness Pal (MFP) and have been tracking my food and exercise.  My user name is deal721 if you want to friend me on there.  I've also been making sure to get out for an hour to run/walk.  

Needing - to go for my morning run
I have to get it done before it gets too warm and humid!

3 Vacay Essentials - sunscreen, good books, lounge chair
I'm a redhead, so you know I need some sunscreen!  I love those spray sunscreens.  Every since I started using them I haven't had one sunburn (and that's saying a lot).  
I have to read when I'm at the beach.  I've downloaded about 4 books that I hope to read this month alone. 
Last summer we found the best lounge chairs at Target.  
When you flip on your stomach you can move that pillow and there is a hole for you face. (kinda like a massage chair!)

Be sure to link up!