Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ten Pin Linky: Classroom Management

As I was scrolling through my feed, I found the best linky. It combines teaching + Pinterest!  What's not to love?? (Plus the button is  pink & green.)

Here's how it works: You link up 10 pins relating to the topic of the week.  Easy peasy, right?
If you like something you see in this post, please don't pin from my picture - click the picture and pin from my Pinterest board.  We all want to make sure the right person gets the credit!

This week's topic is classroom management.  I pinned everything from my Teaching Board.  (When I first started out on Pinterest, I had only one education related board.  That had to change and had to spend time rearranging everything. I'm now to the point where I have to rearrange my Reading board - too much good stuff out there!)

Source: Kinder Polka Dot Patch

1. Clip Chart Management 
This is one of the first things I found on Pinterest.  I always have trouble remembering at the end of the day why someone moved their clip.  I used to have the best memory, but then I became a teacher. ;)

Source: The Wise Owl

2.  Pencil War
I kid you not, this solved any issues that I had with pencils this year.  If you click through to the pin, it links to a free download on TPT. I also wrote about it here.

Source: Time 4 Kindergarten

3. Glue!

This is genuis!!!!  I ran out of glue sticks in April and honestly could not stand to spend another cent.  I wish I would have found this idea sooner.  I made the kids stick their finger in messy glue to spread it. I tried popsicle sticks but they ended up drying to the cup.

Source: The Tattooed Teacher

4. Copy, Grade & File Containers
I found this through the Made It Monday linky a few weeks ago.  I had these files on my desk, but honestly the folders got full very fast.  I like the idea of the drawers - out of sight!

Source: First Grade Fever

5. Whole Brain Teaching Freebies
I used a few callbacks last year and they worked SO well.  I didn't have any trouble getting their attention anymore.  AND it still worked at the end of the year.  Amazing!  I really want to learn more about it this summer.

Source: What the Teacher Wants

6. Tattling
Last summer I taught a week of summer camp and soon realized that I was going to have a MAJOR tattler in my class.  The sweet girl made a 4th grade boy cry!  I wanted to be proactive and did a lot of emergency telling vs. tattling lessons at the beginning of the year.

Source: Stories from Room 114

7. Behavior Board
I've seen this pin floating around a lot.  Every time the class is caught doing something good, you pull a popsicle stick (with a number written on it) and color in that number.  After ten numbers in order are colored in, the class receives a reward. I thought about making one of these with numbers to 120 since the Common Core goes beyond 100.

8. Unfinished Work
I thought this was a great tracker to send home unfinished work.  It's a free download on TPT!

Source: Fluttering Through First Grade

9. Bathroom Tallies
A few years ago I had some students that always seem to go to the bathroom. (no medical issues) I started a chart on a scrap piece of paper and all of the sudden they didn't have to go anymore!  Surprise! This chart is a little more formal and perfect if you have those kids that are up and down a lot.

Source: Doodle Bugs Teaching

10. Teaching Expectations
It's SO important to teach the students how you want them to sit, turn in work, etc.  You can expect them to read your mind and most often they want to please you.  I thought this chart was adorable and perfect for the beginning of the year.  

If you want to see more classroom management ideas, be sure to check out everyone else's pins at Just Reed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz!

    Thank you for this great post full of ideas I can use in MY first grade classroom. I love ALL TEN! I signed up to follow you.... you're almost to 100!
