Monday, June 3, 2013

Reading Survey *Freebie*

Tan 0
Sunburn 1

I think I jinxed myself when I said I don't get burned using the spray sunscreen...I burned my back yesterday along with a random spot on my leg and my ankle.  So glad my husband isn't here to make fun of me!

Beach Day 2 was a success though!  The forecast was calling for a 60% chance of rain, but it didn't rain until almost 3pm.  The morning and early afternoon was party cloudy with a nice breeze.  I finished my first book of the summer.  Too bad I was left hanging!  I checked Amazon and the next book in the series (which I didn't know if was part of a series when I bought it) isn't due out until September.  Ugh!!

But I do have a little treat! I worked on revamping a reading survey I send out at the beginning of the school year.  It's not as detailed as my former survey, but I like to send it home the first week of school to gauge how my students feel about reading.  Click the picture to download.

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