Friday, January 18, 2013

Grammar Linky Party: Contractions

So glad this week is O-V-E-R!  Indoor recess for 4 days straight was rough on everyone. What's the longest you ever gone with indoor recess?  I feel that I must have gone longer at some point, but I just blocked it from my memory.

If you've hopped over from Teaching With Love and Laughter Grammar Linky Party, we started learning about contractions this week.

We began by reading Alfie Apostrophe.
Leslie Ann from Life in First Grade has a super cute apostrophe activity on TPT. We made our own Alfie's.  The pattern was included in the packet. Leslie Ann also include templates for the hands, legs, hair, etc. but I decided to have my students make those extra part on their own.  I love seeing them add a dash of creativity to a project!

Today we played I Have, Who Has: Contraction Edition.

My students are in LOVE with the I Have, Who Has games. I even caught a student making her own version during recess last week.  Then she asked for it to be laminated so her baby sister wouldn't eat it.  :)

Next week I'm hoping to make a contraction caterpillar and a contraction garden.  Stay tuned for pictures of those activities!


  1. SUPER cute!! Grammar is one of my favorite things to teach. I can't wait to see your contraction garden! We finally got to have recess yesterday, and I may have taken an EXTRA long recess. ;)

  2. Alfie the Apostrophe looks really cute! Thanks for posting it on my Grammar Link-up. I Have...Who Has? is a favorite in my classroom, too!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. Thank you for sharing the book and the cute little craft to go with it. I love finding books that go along with concepts that I have to teach in writing. Makes the lessons stick just a bit better!


  4. Came by to visit after seeing you had visited me. I love Alfie the Apostrophe. I am going to add him to my punctuation board.
