Saturday, January 19, 2013

Five for Friday (a day late)

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday Linky.

Here are my 5 random happenings from the week.

1.  We went fishing for syllables!  This was a sample lesson from one of my professors in college.  However, her lesson included a magnetic fishing pole and magnets on the fish. Visualizing a pond works just as well.

2.  In my after school art class, we finished up our snowflake paintings.

3.  Every grade is required to complete a school wide performance.  We started learning a few dance moves to Toby Mac's "Me Without You." My favorite part is when I shout "Freestyle!"Their dance moves are AWESOME!

4.  We learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and made a super fabulous timeline from Falling into First. If you are planning any MLK activities for next week, be sure to check out her MLK mini unit on TPT.

5.  We finished up our graphing unit.  I think graphing the color of Skittles was probably one of their favorites!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Skittles graphing was a huge hit! Your snowflakes turned out adorable!
