Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas Break!

It's officially Christmas break for everyone! We had a half day on Wednesday and I've been enjoying my comfy pajamas ever since. 

The Christmas party was one of the best I have ever had in my class. Thanks to the wonderful moms that planned it!

Here's the reindeer toss.

The snowman toss....

All ideas from Pinterest! I really think life should be divided into two eras - BP (before Pinterest) and AP (after Pinterest).

I'm sure you've seen a zillion gingerbread activities, but I never got a chance to share mine. The gingerbread unit is one of my favorites, so I have to share!

We took a bite of a gingerbread cookie and graphed our results.

We made a chart of adjectives (inspired by Abby's gingerbread chart).

This is something new I did this year.  I bought Baking Up Adjectives Craftivity + Center Activities. Each student chose an adjective and created their gingerbread man. The students absolutely LOVED this.  I had scrapbook paper out, along with some sparkly things and their creations were wonderful. This was one of my favorite - a hairy gingerbread man!

Now off to finish up my Christmas shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Love BP and AP! How did we ever live without pinterest?!?!
    Merry Christmas!
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers
