Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blends + a Giveaway

Right before Christmas break, we started to learn about beginning blends.  

I made 4 characters - Gretchen, Drake, Brad, and Crissy.  Each table had to work together to write words for each beginning blend.

Side note about the activity - I loved seeing how the students decided who would write on the poster. Some tables figured out quickly a fair way to share the responsibility. Other tables, not so much. :)

Since we covered this topic right before break, I wanted to reinforce it when we return in January. I made a Winter Blends Literacy Centers that covers r-blends, l-blends and s-blends.

The first activity is similar to posters we completed in class. Students will sort the words onto the correct character.


There's also a Penguin Real or Nonsense Word Sort and an Igloo Word Match Up.


Since I recently reached 50 followers, I wanted to host my first giveaway. The winner will receive a copy of the Winter Blends Literacy Centers for free. The giveaway enters Sunday night 12/30 at midnight EST.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I'm entered and crossing my fingers! Found you on Farley's 1st Grade Blog section. Happy to be your newest follower :) Lisa
    Growing Firsties
