Wednesday, October 3, 2012


It's been awhile!  The first few months of school are always the busiest and I am now feeling like I'm hitting my grove.  After 8 weeks....

I also started my M.A.T. program through Marygrove College right after Labor Day. So far I am enjoying the layout of the program.  You take 2 classes per semester, but each class is only 7 weeks long. I love it because my focus is just on one class and the assignments are doable with a working schedule.  If you have been looking for a program, I would check it out.

My favorite subject to teach is math, probably because there are so many hands-on activities that you can do. This year I started doing math centers after the lesson of the day.  I have no idea why I didn't do this earlier! I love the setup I created, so I plan on sharing that very soon! It might involve me remembering to take pictures.  :)

Our math chapter focuses on subtraction.  At this point in the year, I don't mind if the students count on their fingers or use cubes to help them figure out the answer.  But in a few weeks I expect them to come more familiar with the problems so they don't use their fingers for every single problem.

Funny side note: We were playing Subtraction Scoot and one of the problems was 11-6.  A student held up her fingers and asked me "How am I supposed to get 11 fingers??" I told her to stick out a leg and make that number 11.

I have always taught counting up as a subtraction strategy. I found the best game on You Might Be a First Grader.  I had a few extra minutes yesterday, gave each pair of students a set of cubes, and they were learning this strategy in no time!

Hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than latter to share my math centers!

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