Monday, August 27, 2012

Space Unit

Our first science unit of the year is Space. The students really enjoying learning about the universe and all about each planet. It's still so hard for me not to teach that Pluto is not a planet! Luckily, there is a book out there called Pluto: A Dwarf Planet  by Thomas K. Adamson that helps me cope with this semi-new fact.

This year I wanted to add a few things of my own and made my own Solar System Activities.  Here is a list of what my packet includes:
  • Black & white planet templates to use for any activity you choose to do in the classroom.  I usually have my students color the planets and place them in order.
  • Ordinal Number Planets Center.  Print out the planet and ordinal number cards.  Have the student order the planets and match up the correct ordinal numbers.  There is also a recording sheet for this center.
  • Label the Planets Worksheet
  • My Alien Writing Paper
  • Astronaut Space Camp Activity

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