I have a confession. I love candy corn. Is there anyone else out there with me? True candy corn lovers are few and far between. Of course I have to bring this love of candy corn in the classroom! Students get a baggie full of candy corn, Indian corn, and pumpkins to sort and graph.
By October, we've completed our addition unit. Once they've gotten the basics, we move onto harder concepts like sorting facts into true and false piles.
Now, I don't start our place value unit until November. By then Halloween candy has taken over, Thanksgiving is approaching and after that is Christmas/Elves/Santa. It's so important to get this concept in, so I introduce it early through the pumpkin patch and bat craft above. The bats are amazing to decorate the classroom with!
A few years ago, I started doing whole group reading instruction with holiday themed books. Typically I do this to start off reading groups. The students have to complete an activity about a book we've read together and then go to literacy stations. It's my way of sneaking in themed activities.
Let's face it, grammar can be a little boring to teach. Practice is needed to cement the concept in the brain. Why not do it with bats, spiders, and pumpkins?
Make sure to visit The Primary Peach for more ideas and freebies for October!