Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Winner Wednesday & What I Bought

I love linking up with Jennifer from A Dab of Glue Will Due for Winner Wednesday.  It's the easiest giveaway to enter!

This month you can win a set of Weather Posters: Using Real Images.

I used these for the first time this past school year and my students could not stop staring at them (in a good way).  The posters opened the door to questions and discussions.  It was wonderful to see the students become interested in what we were studying in science.

All you have to do to win is enter the Rafflecopter below.  No extensive following - just leave your name and email address so I can contact you.

If you don't win, the posters will be on sale through Friday. :)

Now, for another linkup!  If I'm being honest, I use to quickly gaze over these but then I started finding some new authors, products, and blogs!  I hope you'll take a peak into what I bought at the TpT store.  You can click on each picture to take you to the direct link.

I ditched my old Scholastic graphic organizers in favor of something new and fresh!

Time to brighten up my room with new posters!

Spicing up my reading instruction with these products!

A few activities for STEM...


  1. Oooo- wish I saw Bloom's Buttons yesterday! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

    Real Life in First Grade
