Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Winner Wednesday: Awesome Dinosaurs (aw, au, al words)

Today I'm linking up with A Dab of Glue Will Do for Winner Wednesday!  It's a linky that takes place the first Wednesday of every month.  I'll choose a popular product from my TpT store and you can win it.  All you have to do it enter your name into the Rafflecopter.  

I decided to choose my Awesome Dinosaurs packet.  It's a study of aw, au and al words.

My students loved writing their spelling words on the dinosaur.

Here's what is included:

p. 1 - Cover
p. 2 - A cute picture of kittens and a dog. I show this to my students before I introduce the sound and they say "Awe!" They immediately recognize the sound of the week.
p. 3-5 - Anchor Charts 
p. 6-11 - I Have, Who Has? Game (enough cards for 24 students)
p. 12-15 - Word Hunt & Recording Sheet
p. 16-20 - Dinosaur Craft
p. 21 - 22 Printables
p. 23 Credits

You can enter the Rafflecopter below and if you don't win, the packet will be on sale through Friday for 20% off.

Be sure to check out the other items at A Dab of Glue Will Do


  1. This looks like so much fun! My kinders would love writing their words on the dinosaur too! Thanks so much for offering a chance to win this!

    Warmest Wishes,
    Kindergarten Dragons

  2. What a cute blog you have, Liz! The dinosaur pack looks adorable! I have been wanting something with dinos, I have nothing like that :) Have a great summer!
