Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mary Mack: A Freebie

My goal for the summer is to make different reading packets for our basal reader.  I made one for The Billy Goats Gruff and saw a big improvement in comprehension (and test scores).  Plus my students thought the activities were fun and seemed genuinely excited to complete the activities.

There are several poems in the basal reader and I usually save those for our 4 day weeks.  One poem that generates lots of excitement is Mary Mack.  Even the boys get into it!

In the poem, the students highlight or circle pairs of rhyming words.

I created a cover page to the packet.  After we read the story, the students color the cover as they eat snack.

Students will cut and glue the sequence of the poem.

Students practice their visualization skills by drawing a picture of what they think Mary Mack looks like.  Then they have to prove why they pictured Mary Mack that way.

You can download the entire packet HERE for free.  I hope this will help you next school year, especially on those shorter weeks!

If you are looking for other reading packets, please be sure to follow my store this summer.  (Everything is 50% off for the 24 hours.) Here are a few that I've already made.


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