Monday, March 2, 2015

March Currently

I'm excited to link up with Farley's Currently this month.

Listening to the Bachelor.  I have never actually watched it before, but Kristin's recaps are always so funny....and there is literally nothing else on. ;)  

Loving the warm weather. Don't be jealous, but it was absolutely perfect today.  Great breeze, sunshine.  Did I mention that we were closed for snow and ice on Thursday?  Only in the South, ya'll.  It's supposed to be rainy and dreary tomorrow.

Thinking about report cards and conferences next week. It is going to be crazy.  

Wanting to go spring clothes shopping.  I walked through Kohls yesterday and I wanted all of the maxi shirts.  I'm making myself wait until spring break to go shopping though!

Needing to fold clothes and get ready for tomorrow.  I. hate. folding. clothes.  And I only do my own clothes.  No kids and the husband does his separately.  What is my problem?  I enjoy fluffing them though. 

Spring Break Plans - none!  I have over a month until spring break!  It's not even on my radar yet.


  1. I'm watching the Bachelor also! Tonight is a crazy night to start watching it. Glad to hear you have a while until your spring break as well. I have to get through March first so its not really on my radar either. Best of luck with conferences!

    Elementary Times

  2. Report cards and conferences coming up for us, too! Good luck to you! :)

    Miss Woodward's Class

  3. So glad I found someone who likes the Bachelor as well! I'm also watching it - while I did my linky too! :) You should send some of that warm weather my way! We are still extremely cold and looking for some snow and winter storm warning tonight. I'm ready for maxi skirts and sandals! Good luck with conferences! Spring break is coming!


  4. I know what you mean about the CRAZY weather in the south. I live in SC and we were closed last Tuesday for ice and had 2 delays last week because of cold temperatures. Then yesterday afternoon it was 70 degrees and sunny! CRAZY but I sure enjoyed yesterday's sunshine with my little one!
    KinderKids Fun blog
