Sunday, March 29, 2015

3 Billy Goats Gruff

Last week, our story of the week was The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The students are really getting into the folktale stories and I wish that there were more in the basal readers.  Honestly, I think they loved this story because the big billy goat Gruff "butted" the troll into the river.  And yes, I explained what a head butt was.  Never a dull moment.

Most of the year, my students have been reading different stories from the basal reader at different times, but I've really enjoyed having them read the same story at the same time.  I know it's not perfect for every time of the year, but it sure makes my life easier!

I made this packet to go along with the story.

Day 1 - Since I want to model fluency to my students, I read the story aloud to them while they follow along.  We pause to discuss unfamiliar words, make predictions, etc. They colored the cover of the packet and we complete the story map together.

Day 2 - Students read the story with partners.  Then they complete the story sequence page.  I heard lots of squeals about how cute the little billy goat was and laughter about the picture of the troll in the water.

Day 3 - Students read independently while I walk around the room helping as needed.  We work in the glossary, looking up words, drawing a picture, and using the word in a sentence.  

I always have students share their sentences because I can give suggestions on how to change it if they don't understand and it gives other students ideas.  Plus sometimes, they are outright hilarious.
Day 4 - I put up the Story Hunt cards around the classroom.  Students grabbed a clipboard and a recording sheet to write their answers.  

After they finished, we reviewed the answers.

Later in the day, during writers workshop, the students wrote a letter to the troll from the three billy goats.  They could apologize to the troll or tell the troll how they felt about his antics.

Almost all of my students earned 100% on the test (not included in the packet).  I call that a success!! Check it out in my TpT Store.  It's 50% off until midnight. Be sure to follow me on Instagram (polkadotfirsties) and on TpT to get notified when I post new things. :)

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