Saturday, August 23, 2014

Daily Schedule

It was my intent to blog every single day for Teacher Week.  (<---I'm kind of laughing at that.)  Sheer exhaustation in the evening will do that for you.  I'm playing a little catch up with a few of my favorite days.

Here's a peek at my daily schedule.

I love my schedule!  It's been the same for the past two years, maybe three...honestly I can't remember that far back.

I work at a private school, so that's why you'll see Bible and a Praise & Worship time.  We have "chapel" every day.  The students sing a few songs and there's a short devotion.  It's a great way for students (and teachers) to start their day! 

8:50 - 10:20 Readers Workshop
There's 1 1/2 hours for Readers Workshop.  It seems like that's a long time, but we are constantly on the move!  I have students do a modified version on Daily Five (this year I'm only doing Read to Self and Work on Words), a phonics lesson and snack time.  

This past week I've been using Go Noodle for brain breaks during this period.  I had read about it on several blogs and gave it a try.  They love it!!  You've got to try it!

10:20 - 11 Recess/PE
The students have 20 minutes of PE, then 20 minutes of recess everyday.  On Tuesdays, they only have recess for the entire period.  I love it when they come back sweaty and stinky.  :)

11 -12:05  Math
This is the busiest time of day!  There's so much to squeeze it.  We start off with our Rise & Shine Folders.

Next, we move onto our math journal.  I've always done math word problems in a journal, but this year I decided to give the interactive journal thing a try.  (More on this later - it's going so well!!)

Usually a short brain break (something math related) before we move onto the whole group lesson.

The students end the period with math centers.  Sometimes we get to these, sometimes not.

12:05 - 12:35 Lunch - almost duty free.  We alternate lunch duty with the kindergarten teacher.

12:35 - 1:20 Writer's Workshop
I'll typical start off with a grammar lesson before we move into writing.  I feel like I'm constantly fine tuning my writing lessons!

1:20 - 2:05 Enrichment (Library, Computer, Music, Art, Cultural Studies)

2:05 - 3:05 Bible/Science/Social Studies
I don't try to squeeze in all three in one hour!  I alternate science/social studies monthly.  Right now we're studying space.

As for our official Bible lesson, it happens 2 to 3 times a week.  I really try for 3, but Friday afternoons are just an attempt at this point.  It gets better as the year goes on.

3:15 Dismissal 

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