Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Target Sales & Wishlist Wednesday

Have you been playing along on the BlogHoppin' 2014 Scavenger Hunt?  I decided to join in (I'm up to 53 items!) and you can follow me along HERE.

I'll warn you though, I'm still learning how to use Instagram.  One of my pictures actually says "Double  tap to edit."

My days have been filled with the gym, the pool, and visiting Target.  I loaded up on some  green composition books.  I'm planning on having 3 sets of interactive notebooks - math, phonics and reading.  My problem is two of the composition books I have will be black (my school is ordering them for me.) I thought about putting colored tape on the spine of one of the black composition books, so it's easily identifiable for the students.  

Look what's on sale at Target!

Picture from Totally Target

Even better there's a coupon for it! $5 off a $10 purchase of Scotch Expressions Tape. If you're not following Totally Target, you must!  It's how I always walk away with the best deals from Target.  Be sure to check out the weekly deals at the top of the page.

All these TPT sales gets me excited for back to school.  I love finding new products!

One of my most popular items in my store is my Landforms Posters.  It has 18 posters of various landforms like volcanoes, hills, plains, glaciers, etc.  I included both colored and black and white versions.  I recently updated it, so if you've already purchased it make sure to download it again.

It's on sale from today (7/16) to Friday (7/18).

You can also enter to win it!  The giveaway ends tonight at midnight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. My favorite thing about summer is working on my schedule - a more relaxed day for me. I have needed this down time. I have been working like crazy to plan for the upcoming school year. I am looking forward to going back.
