Friday, August 16, 2013

What's On Your Wishlist?

It's Back to School time on TPT!  I was wondering when the sale would be this year because I have a ton of items I want to buy!  It was finally announced that sale is August 18-19.  Time to get shopping!

Button By Krista Wallden

I decided to link up with Collaboration Cuties linky about my top two wishlisted items from my store and my own personal wishlisted items.

My top 2 wishlisted items are Landforms Mini Unit and Landforms Posters.  

It includes a landforms dictionary which helps students identify and learn the different types of landforms.

There's also a matching game and ABC order cards that are perfect for literacy centers.

Click HERE to add it to your TPT wishlist.

My second most popular wishlisted item is Landforms Posters.

Landforms included in this packet are island, mountains, volcano, canyon, desert, hills, valley, plain, river, lake, and ocean.

I also made a set of black and white posters in case you want to save on colored ink!

Click HERE to add it to your wishlist.

Now about my personal's way too long!!

I'm one of those weird people that wishlist free items too.  I'll find something that it's perfect for a unit that I'll be teaching in a few months and I don't want to forget about it.

However, I have item I know I'll be buying at the BTS Sale!

I'm required to have an Emergency Sub Tub and let's face it...I never do a super job organizing it because I'm such a control freak that I run up to school when I'm sick (which is rare) and I don't like to take days off.  But last year I came down with the stomach bug overnight and I literally could not stand up.  This would have come in handy!  I love that there are lessons for the beginning, middle, and end of the year.  You know firsties grow so much and what you do at the beginning of the year is completely different than the end!

Click HERE to check it out!

Tell me something on your wishlist!  Is there something I just HAVE TO HAVE that I'm missing out on?

1 comment:

  1. We are teaching landforms right now!!! Hmmmmm, I'm wondering how to make this work for 4th grade! They are so cute!! I will definitely have to check out the landform posters!

    Thanks for linking up!!
    Collaboration Cuties
