Saturday, August 3, 2013

Five for Fraturday & Currently

It's back!

I enjoy this linky party because during the school year it is so hard for me to blog during the week.

1. I decided to do two linky parties in one post, so my August Currently can be crossed off the to do list. 

2.  We now have a no candy rule at school.  

Of course this comes after I make birthday treat bags (the first year I've ever made such a thing) with a pencil, starbursts and skittles.  Guess they will be getting a pencil for their birthday!  I also had planned to make this.

I already bought the Blow Pops, but hadn't made the labels for it yet.  

Right now I need a back to school gift idea that is not candy related AND cheap, especially since I already spent money on the other stuff.  Any ideas?

3.  I am one folder short for my Rise and Shine folders.  The max number of students for our class changed and I had already made an entire class set of the folders.  I cannot find a blue plastic folder with brads anywhere.  Plenty of orange and red, but no blue!  I think some of the public schools must have requested blue folders. It's ridiculous that I can't find a single one!  

4.  I wanted to figure out how to track sight words better in my classroom.  Enter Karate Sight Words!

I'm putting the final touches on it today and hopefully will have it posted tomorrow.  I divided the sight words into belt levels (ex: When students learn the Pre-Primer list, they earn a white belt.)  I also included the 1st 300 Fry Phrases because I know I'll have students that already know all of the sight words and I want to be able to challenge them.

5. I'm really hoping to rest some today  - it is Saturday after all!  My brain is going a mile a minute thinking about all of the things I have to do.


  1. We have a no candy rule too...but the deal is they can't eat candy IN we still sometimes give it to them, but they have to take it home and not open it in school

    Literacy Spark

  2. We are a "healthy" school, too. We "don't celebrate with food", so definitely no candy kinda stinks when you see all the cute candy ideas, huh?

    Oh, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who linked up on "Fraturday" (totally borrowing that term for the next time I don't hit Five for Friday on Friday...LOL!).

    Kindergarten A to Z

  3. I used the "Thank you for popping in!" last year with a bag of popcorn. As I handed it out, I told them to go home and enjoy one last movie of summer with it!

    First Grade Circus

  4. I just came across your blog-I also have a polka-dotted first grade classroom...I feel right at home!

    I understand the "No Candy" rule but it stinks that you already bought it. :( What about little containers of bubbles? You could stick with the "thanks for popping in!" that way. I know you can get 3 bottles in a pack at the Dollar Store and the teeny-tiny containers you get for party favors might be even cheaper. Just a thought!

    First Grade Pizzazz

  5. I kinda wish we had a "no candy" rule at our school! That would definitely cut back on the amount I consume out of the candy jar!

    For the Love of First Grade

  6. Hi Liz,
    I have a feeling my school/district will move to a no candy zone!! I keep a big treat jar in my classroom. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you.
    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  7. Instead of candy, there are all sorts of options at the Dollar Tree like stickers, erasers, book markers, and sharpeners. Good luck!

  8. I found your blog through Farley's link up! Love the design - so cute! I found some really cool nose sharpeners at Oriental Trading I was thinking about getting as prizes! My 5th graders love them! They also have some really cool erasers that aren't too expensive that can be good "prizes." Our team also offers prizes like sit by a friend, day in the teacher's chair, etc. that can also be motivating!

    Loved your Currently... I find my dog's snoring comforting almost. He has little puppy dreams and makes the strangest noises sometimes! Good luck on your quest to find some quality prizes :)

    My Shoe String Life
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  9. I'm so bummed for you that your Targets don't have a well stocked Dollar Spot!! Boo!!! :(
