Monday, April 1, 2013

Wacky Weather

In Georgia, we've been having some wacky weather.  Spring keep trying to come out, but then disappears.  The weather forecast for tomorrow is 73 degrees and on Thursday it's supposed to be 50 degrees. Once I bring out the flip flops they stay out! My toes are going to freeze later in the week!

In science we are wrapping up our weather unit.  We've had a great time exploring clouds, learning about the types of precipitation and writing about different types of storms. 

My students loved becoming experts in the different storms.  As they wrote their non-fiction pieces, I had this poster on display.

Click on the picture to download.

The students were able to refer to the poster to help them spell weather words correctly.  Especially needed this time of year - you've already said "Sound it out" a zillion times.  This way you can just point to the poster! ;)

Now, I have a creative bunch of students this year! One day, my room mom gave me a container full of notes that each student wrote what they liked about me. Over 50% of them were "I like you because you give us crafty things" or some variation. (Thank you A Cupcake for the Teacher!) Well, during the weather unit they started thinking of names for the different storms.  On. Their. Own. We studied tornadoes and they started calling any tornadoes "Tony Tornado."

We had a class discussion about a name for a thunderstorm.  Honestly, I didn't like any of the ones they were throwing out during our discussion. One of my students brainstormed a list at HOME with her mom.  Of course, we had to do a class vote that morning!

How do you like that name? I think it fits perfectly! 

You can find a set of Wacky Weather Posters over at my TPT store.


  1. A themed word list is a great idea! Thanks for sharing at Manic Monday.

  2. These are adorable, Liz! Thank you so much for the freebie. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  3. I love your weather cards...cute! As a follow Georgia teacher, I understand exactly what you mean by wacky weather. Hopefully we will be in for some nice springy weather soon!

  4. gfgfdgdfgfdgfgfdgfdgdfgdgfdgdfgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfgf
