Sunday, February 3, 2013


This is my first time completing Farley's Currently!

Listening: Anyone want to come over and fold my laundry?? I don't mind washing it, but I HATE folding!

Loving: Just bought a new vacuum this morning. I've had a Dyson Animal for the past eight years, but recently it started not to pick up as much. I cleaned the filter on a regular basis and cut off the hair at the bottom (yuck). I didn't want to believe that it was a goner. But I have two dogs = lots of dog hair. I picked up a new one for under $100 and it is wonderful!

Thinking: I made a good dent in my TPT wishlist! How about you? My store is on sale today and tomorrow.

Wanting: One thing you need to know about me is I love my sleep. Along with my bed and cozy sheets.

Needing: How do high school and college students ever manage to get anything done? The only thing I had to distract me in college was AOL Instant Messenger! (That makes me feel a little old.)

Pet Peeve: I think this is because I never had dishes in the sink growing up. We always rinsed the dishes and put them right away in the dishwasher.


  1. Hi fellow polka-dot lover! Congratulations on your first Currently!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  2. HA! I'm with you on the laundry! I wrote the same thing! I HATE folding it and putting it away, it's never ending!
    First Grade @ Storybook Cafe

  3. Grad school was definitely harder to stay focused than undergrad thanks to the internet. Way too many distractions! Good luck getting your work done.

  4. I am so afraid that I am close to needing a new vacuum cleaner as well. Mine didn't pick up anything, and hubby went and bought new filters and now it is working great again. We have had the same vacuum for 11 years. We have looked for a new one for when ours officially croaks, but no luck. Congrats on a new one!
    Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten

  5. Sunday is laundry day in my house too! I love the smell of clean laundry!

    Teaching Joys

  6. Oh, you're supposed to fold laundry and put it away? I thought you just go take it out of the dryer when you need it! :)


  7. Reading your currently is by far much more entertaining than well, let's say...folding the laundry in my basket! Right there with ya on that one!

    For the Love of First Grade

  8. Super jealous about your new vacuum! Hubby and I have been looking on Amazon for what to get...the one we have now is just not cutting it.

  9. I bought lots of new things during the TPT sale and I can't wait to use all of them.

    ~Diving Into Learning
