Friday, January 25, 2013

Five for Friday: A Week in Review

YIPEE! I just got back from a lovely Mexican dinner to celebrate the end of the week. I was really hoping for some ice or snow last night, but we didn't get any. There were some counties north of us that didn't have school or were on a delay.  Better luck next time, I guess!

I'm linking up for another Five for Five!

1. I made this Snicker-doodle (literally) recipe in my afterschool cooking class this week. While we were waiting for the cookies to bake, a students made this *funny* joke.

A Snicker and a doodle, get it? 

2.  I made it to Hot Yoga exactly 1 out of six times this week. Major FAIL. Which is really not good since I consumed many Snicker-doodles! Tomorrow morning's class is going to hurt!

3.  We wrapped up our Landform/Map unit.  We made a landform dictionary.

I hoping to post this unit soon.  If you are planning a landform unit, I do have a set of Landform Posters in my TPT store.  (UPDATE 1/28 : I loaded the landform unit to TPT!)

4.  We had a little fun making our spelling words out of Play-doh.

Yes, that's actually a "k" for key.  We teach D'Nealian handwriting.  I miss the block letters!

5. We studied Y as a vowel and made a Benny Bunny craft.

If you are looking for more ideas for Y as a vowel, I just posted my Guy Butterfly and Benny Bunny unit in my store.

Be sure to link up and check out some new blogs!

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in your landform booklet! We are studying landforms next week! I'll check back! I've been hoping and wishing for a snow day too! Not because I don't LOVE my job, I just want a day at home, snowed in so I CAN'T and don't HAVE to go anywhere!
