Saturday, December 8, 2012

Glitter the Elf

Our elf arrived on Monday and it has been so much fun to see where she ends up everyday. The elf appeared right after we came back from our school's Praise and Worship session.  At first the students thought the elf belonged to a classmate, but then they quickly realized that this was a new elf.  The elf left us a special note with instructions to name her.  We took a quick classroom vote and Glitter was the winner!

The students started leaving notes for Glitter when they finished their work.  Glitter accidentally got knocked to the floor, but we couldn't touch her.  She stayed face planted on the floor until we came back from computer class.  How sad!

On Wednesday, Glitter got a skirt!  A student's elf had left it for our elf at her house. (Did you follow that? ha!) That morning Glitter was hanging out in our Christmas tree.  We left the skirt for Glitter, along with the special note.

You can see all the other notes that Glitter got in the tree too! She is one popular elf.  Glitter even left us erasers and some of the students wrote her a thank you note.

We completed our gingerbread unit this week too.  Imagine our surprise when we came back one day and Glitter was reading one of the books!

If you don't have an elf in your classroom, you MUST get one!  I never knew that it could be this much fun!

I'm linking up with Seusstastic's Elf on the Shelf Linky Party and Miss Nelson's blog. Be sure to stop by!


  1. Cute elf ideas! I love the one of her reading the book!

    The Hive

  2. Poor Glitter! Laying face down like that! :(
    Can't wait to see what else she does in your class!

    Bren P.
    The Teacher Diaries

  3. Glitter is too cute. Love your ideas. Thanks for linking up
