Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 in 12

I'm linking up with A Teeny Tiny Teacher's and Miss Kindergarten's 12 in '12 Linky Party.

12.  Favorite Movie You Watched: I didn't watch a lot of movies this year, but I thought Here Comes the Boom was funny.

11. Favorite TV Series: Hart of Dixie.  Totally cheesy, I know!  But I love it!

10. Favorite Restaurant: I fell in love with sushi this summer.  It's a big thing because I'm such a picky eater. I always go for sushi at Ichiban.  Oh yum!

9. Favorite New Thing: Creating items for my classroom.  I don't have much in my TPT store, but it was so valuable to watch the videos from Amy Lemons on how to create printables. I had no idea that everyone was using Power Point to make stuff!

8. Favorite Gift: I bought a new-to-me car this summer.  It's so much roomier than previous car.

7. Favorite Thing Pinned: Oooh, hard choice!  I LOVE Pinterest.  This recipe for laundry soap is probably my favorite because it has saved me so much money this year.

6. Favorite Blog Post: I don't have many, but I'll go with my Space post. It was the first thing that I created for my classroom.

5. Favorite Accomplishment: Selling my first item on TPT!

4. Favorite Picture: I love this one of my dog, Bella.

3. Favorite Memory: Lounging by the pool in the summer...can you tell I'm ready for a break??

2. Goal for 2013: Pay off one of my student loans.

1. One Little Word: Pray.

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