Sunday, August 12, 2012

Last Day of Summer

Today is my official last day of summer!  I've technically been back at school since August 1st, but tomorrow is the first day with the students.

I am VERY sad to see summer end!  Here's the rules for the Good-Bye Summer 2012 Linky Party.

*Share 4 things about your summer!
1: a place you visited 
2: a book you read (either for fun or for school)
3: something you did or made for your school class
4: a fun thing you did

1.  I went to Hilton Head Island, SC.  I stayed right on the beach with my parents.  A free week in the sun sounds great, right?  It rained every. single. day.  I didn't get a lot of beach time, but I did get some good outlet shopping done.
2.  I had such a hard time this summer finding good books to read!  I read plenty, but there was only one standout among the bunch - On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves.

3.  I jazzed up my bookcases for the classroom.

4.  I spent a lot of time at the pool this summer.  It was great to catch up with friends while lounging in the sun.  When I went by myself I enjoyed reading and catching up on a few zzz's.

You can link up to the Good-Bye Summer 2012 here.

You Might Be a First Grader is having a 100 follower giveaway.

Off to shop the big TPT sale, relax in the sun, and hopefully squeeze in a hot yoga class!  Enjoy your Sunday!

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