Monday, July 30, 2012

Homework and Made It Monday

Homework. I can't remember much of my childhood, but I do remember that I did not like homework! "Hurry, get it done as fast as possible so I can go play and watch TV" was definitely my motto. I know some of my students share the same sentiment and avoid homework like the plague. This year I've decided to keep better track of who doesn't turn in their homework. I just opened a TPT store, so you can visit me here to grab it. It's a freebie! Everything is more fun when you have a nice looking binder!

Honestly, though, the majority of my students do like homework.  And actually want MORE homework. Or the homework is too EASY.  I want to tell them enjoy the light, easy workload while you can!  It's just going to get harder!

But I always have parents ask me for more stuff, different packets.  And I've tried to give a variety of packets.  But usually I divide it into two groups - the normal and slightly more difficult.

Some weeks I'm on fire!  Everything is organized and I make the two sets of different packets. Other weeks, everybody just gets the same packet. So I thought this year I would just send home the work each day rather than the packet. But I then I have to think about homework assignments everyday, having the students put it in their binder and take it out.  More procedures to teach!

Last week I discovered a new to me blog - A Teeny Tiny Teacher.  I proceeded to stalk read almost all of her entries. Behold an answer to my problem! She has a separate special list of homework extension ideas.  So when a parent asks for more, you just have to give them this sheet.

Now imagine a big light shining down on my homework packet.  Because that's how I feel about this idea!

How do you handle homework?

I'm also linking up with Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics!

I decided to take my old, boring Big Lots bookcases and turn them into something a little more pretty.


Add spray paint + contact paper and this is what you get!

I'm headed off to the pool!  Only 2 more pool days until I have to go back to school and I need to make them count!


  1. Love it! I have been wanting to do something similar to a boring book case of mine! Did you sand it before spray painting? I just don't want it to chip! Looking forward to sharing more ideas!

    The Second Grade Superkids

  2. Thanks for sharing the homework extension ideas! I love it. Also, way to go on your bookcase. Congrats on your new blog. I would love it if you would join my "Blogs of Inspiration" page. It is a great way to get new traffic to your blog too.
    Happy Teaching,

    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  3. Homework isn't compulsory at my school (many different views on this take). They do 10 minutes per day of home reading and then hit the TV, backyard etc...

  4. It's amazing what you can do with spray paint!! Thanks for the homework freebie! I didn't have a great plan for tracking homework but this year I would like to develop a new one!

  5. Love the new look for the bookshelf! I did something similar with wrapping I could change it out next year!

    Come on over and check out my blog and giveaway!

    Keeping It Core
