Thursday, June 18, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge: Makeover Madness

I'm so excited to be a part of the TPT Seller Challenge!  This week's challenge was to make over a product in our store.  You know the one that you cringe when you find out you sold it.  The cringe means you need to update it!  

I selected my Landforms Unit. It was literally the one of the first things I made.   remember how I searched for hours on where to get clip art and the "fun" fonts.  (Hint: If you're just starting out, check out KG Fonts and EduClips on TpT.)

I love cover pages with real images!!  They always catch my eye when I'm scrolling to look for things on TpT.  I changed the font to something less cutesy, but more readable and crisp.  There were only 12 cards in the I Have, Who Has? Game so I expanded it to 20 cards.

Here's a big snapshot of everything in the packet!

I also got inspired to create Landform Posters using real images.  You can print these out to display in your classroom or you can project them on your board. 

You can purchase the bundle for 40% off.  You are almost getting one of the packets for FREE!!

Or you can purchase All About Landforms for 20% off.

Both are on sale until Saturday, 6/20.

It's not too late to join in the Makeover Madness!  Check out the details for this week HERE.


  1. Your makeover made me go "Ohhhh". So much more appealing!

    For the Love of First Grade

  2. I like your after so much better! I agree that real images catch my eye more. I need to start using them on products more! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Wow! What an improvement! All those pictures really make your product pop!

  4. Wow! What an improvement! All those pictures really make your product pop!
