Thursday, April 2, 2015

It's All About That Schedule (and Currently too!)

It's all about that schedule, that schedule, that schedule.  I'm always waiting on pins and needles to find out what time enrichment, lunch and recess will be.  It's like I can finally starting planning once I have that schedule.

To give you a background, I'm a first grade teacher at a private Christian school.  This year I have 18 sweet kiddos.  It feels like a wonderful number since I had 21 last year!

I've been lucky that the past two years, my schedule has pretty much stayed the same.  The bonus is that I have a break about every 1 1/2 hours.  I think it works well for the students too.

Students arrive between 8 - 8:25.  As the year trickles on, I don't really have any students until about 8:15.  They unpack their book bag and get started on their morning work.  Let's be honest, it's a bit of a social hour as the year progresses too.

Everyday we have Praise & Worship.  Seriously, I feel so grateful to work at this school!  We head to the worship center, sing songs, and have a short devotional about the word of the month.  It really centers our day and everyone leaves in a good mood!

Readers Workshop - This covers reading groups, centers, and phonics lessons.  Usually I start with the phonics lesson and then have a snack break before starting reading groups.  It's a busy time of the day because I feel pulled in so many directions.

Next up is recess and PE.  They have 20 minutes of PE followed by 20 minutes of recess.  On Tuesdays, they have a full 40 minutes of recess with the other first grade class.

Math is probably my favorite time of day!  We usually start in our math journals using daily editing word problems (my favorite purchase on TpT ever), or interactive notebook activities.  I use Reagan Tunstall's math notebook and Angie's notebooks that I won last month.  I like the variety between both - Regan's allows me to introduce some concepts earlier than I would have (like measurement) so they kids are completely shocked by it when it comes up.  I really like how Angie's notebooks are grouped by category because then I can easily pull up topics we are covering in class.

This usually take about 20 minutes of our math block.  I usually do a whole group lesson (I know, I know, but I don't think I have the time or energy to do small group math), students work independently, and then go to math stations.  

We are excited when math ends because it's lunch time.  We used to have a lunch duty every other week for about two years, but the principal let us give it up a few weeks ago.  All of the teachers rejoiced! :)

Writers Workshop includes a grammar lesson followed by a independent writing time.

We have enrichment everyday - library, computer, music, art, etc.

I end the day with a Bible, Science or Social Studies lesson.  I usually do Bible two to three times per week.  Science and Social Studies alternate depending on our theme.

Be sure to check out all of the other schedules!

I also finished my Currently for the month!  I'm on a roll for the morning!


  1. Hi Liz!! I love love love that you have a built in break every so often throughout your day! That would be EXACTLY what my kiddos need!! LOVE it! Thanks so much for linking up with us! :)

    Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd

  2. I love your schedule! It's so great that the kids have so much diversity in their programming throughout the day.


  3. How wonderful to be able to begin your day with praise and worship! What a great way to set a good mood and attitude for the day. I also desperately need to shop. There isn't anywhere to shop in the Bahamas (that I can afford) so I'm going to try stitch fix. I'll let you know how it goes!
    Joya :)

  4. I just graded a HUGE stack of papers! Not fun!

  5. AWWW, I adore the Interactive Notebook shout out! Thanks doll! I also think it is amazing that you can open and close out your day with some praise & worship/Bible time. What a great way to start and finish your day! Thank you so much for linking up with us!
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners
