Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Currently

It's been sooo long since I've linked up with Farley's Currently - I just had to do it so this month!

Loving - I love walking my dog on the greenway near my house.  It's mostly shaded and so pretty!  I know I'm going to miss this when school starts up again.

Thinking - One of my favorite parts of summer is all of the lunch dates.  Today I'm going to my favorite BBQ restaurant with my oldest friend (we've known each other since 2nd grade - going on 26 years!!)  You've got to keep these friends around because they could potentially blackmail you with pictures and stories from the most embarrassing years of your life aka middle school.  

Wanting - I'm pretty sure I have to report back to school on July 31st.  It was in that paperwork somewhere....hence, I really want this month to go by slowly!

Needing - I'm forever behind in updating my computer.  It's only $20, but that money would be much better spent at Target.  I really want to update my Microsoft stuff too (mine is from 2008), but the price just gets me every time.

4th Plans - I'm excited to watch the Brazil v. Colombia game on the 4th.  I'm not a sports fan at all, but watching the World Cup has been exciting.  All the dramatic falling down to try to get a foul.  It's like these players never left first grade.


  1. Lunch dates with friends are so much fun! I need to set one up with some friends that I am missing dearly. I hope you ladies have a wonderful time!

  2. Lunch dates are the best! I've caught up with a bunch of girlfriends already, most of which are teachers so we are still decompressing from the year, which means no talking about school! LOL

    I am with you 100% on July moving slowly. I need this month. I don't feel like I'm ready to even think about next year for a long time! Let's hope it goes by super duper slow! Enjoy every second of this time you have off!

    Mrs O Knows

  3. Lunch dates are wonderful. I went on a huge lunch date with most of my church and it was good to catch up.
    Hope you have a happy Fourth of July!

    Jasmine H.

  4. I know what you mean about summer moving along SO fast. Once July hits, it seems like it's downhill from there. :( I have started watching the World Cup games, too. I never was a huge fan until all this frenzy hit! Enjoy the rest of your summer.
    Preschool Wonders
