Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wishlist Wednesday

Today is Wishlist Wednesday!  

The packet that is on sale is Solar System Activities for K-2.

This was the very first item I made for TPT!  It includes planet templates so students can make their own solar system.

My favorite part of the packet is Astronaut Space Camp!  Students complete a series of "tests" to become an astronaut.

I'll demonstrate how to do each tasks and then time them for a minute.  It's absolutely hysterical watching them do pushups.  :)  They are responsible for counting how many of each exercise they do.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What I'm Working On

Welcome back to my blog!  I went on a little hiatus during the school year.  Now that my grad school is behind me, I'm hoping to focus a little more on creating things for my classroom and sharing ideas.

Here's something that I put together quickly.  My first unit in social studies is about being a good citizen and specific character traits like honesty, respect and perseverance.  I whipped up this little poster for my classroom.

There's also a boy version too, plus black and white copies if you want to save on ink.  

Click either picture to go to my TPT store to download for free!

Thanks to the Kindergals for hosting this weekly linky!