Monday, September 2, 2013

September Currently

Hey there!  I'm popping in to link up with Farley's monthly Currently.

I've been taking a mini blogging hitatus.  It's a combination of back to school busyness + the little rainbow circle thingy is appearing way too much on my Mac.  I think my computer needed a break. There was one day this past week where I didn't turn on my computer for a full day.  That right there is amazing!

I am so over this summer in Georgia.  It has rained and rained....and rained.  I've never been so ready for fall.  I can't wait for apple picking and cool crisp air!

Have a great Labor Day!


  1. Found your blog on the linky! I am also loving apples and pumpkins and the thought of fall in general!! And if your apartment does magically clean itself please pass the magic along- I'm in some serious need of some too!!!

    And I'm your newest follower :-)

    The Land of I Can

  2. Hey there!
    I'm so excited for fall too - apples, pumpkins, cooler football! Hope your weather cools off and dries up soon!
    BigTime Literacy

  3. Love your workout goal! I NEED to get back in my usual routine!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  4. Found your cute blog via the linky. I notice a theme among teachers of working out (that's my goal too). CA can use some of GA rain! Im a new follower!

    The Teacher Tattles
