Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday and Favorite Things

In today's Throwback Thursday I'm going back to the first unit I ever created.

Eeekk!  It's a little embarrassing, but I was SO proud of actually making a unit.  It took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to make it and I've learned so much in the past year.

August 27, 2012

Our first science unit of the year is Space. The students really enjoying learning about the universe and all about each planet. It's still so hard for me not to teach that Pluto is not a planet! Luckily, there is a book out there called Pluto: A Dwarf Planet  by Thomas K. Adamson that helps me cope with this semi-new fact.

This year I wanted to add a few things of my own and made my own Solar System Activities.  Here is a list of what my packet includes:
  • Black & white planet templates to use for any activity you choose to do in the classroom.  I usually have my students color the planets and place them in order.
  • Ordinal Number Planets Center.  Print out the planet and ordinal number cards.  Have the student order the planets and match up the correct ordinal numbers.  There is also a recording sheet for this center.
  • Label the Planets Worksheet
  • My Alien Writing Paper
  • Astronaut Space Camp Activity


I spent some time revamping the unit yesterday.  I changed around some fonts and added new graphics.

I made a collage of the unit using the tips by Jivey in this post.  (You should really check out all of her Techy Tips!)

Oh my goodness.  So much easier.

This week's topic is favorite things for your home.

I absolutely love my IKEA coffee table!  It was only $20!  You can't beat that.

I think this was my favorite wedding present.  My mom said that every woman should have a Kitchen-aid mixer because they are so fabulous.

I don't know what I would do without my computer!  It's true, once you have a Mac, you won't go back!  I have had mine for almost 5 years and I have had no issues.  I haven't even had to use Norton Anti-Virus Software that always slowed down my PC.

I love my bed and sleep!

Not my real bed, but it looks comfy!

Head on over to The First Grade Parade and Across the Hall in 2nd Grade for more posts about these topics!


    1. 1. I <3 Ikea.
      2. Couldn't live without my mixer - it was our first wedding gift and definitely one of the best.
      3. Had my Macbook 5 years and going strong - got it freshman year of college and it's still hanging in there.
      4. Who doesn't love to sleep!?

      Excited to have found your cute blog and be your newest follower! :)

      The Sweetest Thing
      Follow me on Bloglovin'!

    2. I wish we had and Ikea. Everyone finds such cute stuff. Thanks for sharing - our blog is so cute!!!! I too am a new follower! If you get a chance come check out my blog.


    3. The city I live in is getting an IKEA. I can't wait!
      I also love Macs! I agree that they have less issues.


    4. Thanks for letting me know about another linky party to join! Can I possibly keep up with another one?! lol
      Whimsy Workshop

    5. I am a MAC user too - you will not convert me back, ever! It is so interesting to go back and look at your old posts - life is so busy we forget about things we do!

      Teaching Maths with Meaning
