Tuesday, July 30, 2013

DOT Book + Freebies

Two more days of freedom!  Teachers report August 1st, Open House is August is August 8th and students come back August 12th.  I plan to make the most of the next two days - pool, reading and trips to Target.

Last year I changed my classroom theme to green, pink and black polka dots.  Before that I had a bee theme which resulted in tons of bee gifts....you should have seen the amount of bee stuff at my last garage sale.  I was just over it!

I have always used a communication binder to send information home.  I was still stuck using a BEE ( Bring Everything Everyday) book.  I finally made a DOT (Daily Organizational Tool) book.

I'd love to show you a sample of it put together, but my binders haven't arrived.  Most of the packet is editable so you can put the student's name on the front cover, edit your own schedule and create your own rules if you would like.

I made to different sets - everything is the same except for the cover page.

I haven't decided which cover I'm going to use yet, so that's why I made two. Click any of the pictures above and it'll take you to my TPT store.

I'm working on my M.A.T. and my latest assignment I had to create a bunch of math assessments.  I'm glad I started making things for TPT and learned that Power Point is SO much easier.

Here are a few FREE number sense printables.  Nothing too fancy, but I figured it was better to share them than to let them sit on my computer.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Winner + Favorite Pins

Congrats to Anne R!!  She is the winner of my Birthday/Blogging Giveaway!  Anne, you should have received an email from me yesterday and should hear from the other ladies shortly.  Thanks to everyone for entering!

I thought there was a Favorite Pin linky yesterday, but I don't think it was posted.  But since I already had this ready I thought I would still share!

Health & Fitness Pins

Ok, so when you click on the link this picture isn't in the blog post at all. However, it links to some great Crossfit type workouts that I think I could actually do.

I'll be trying this treadmill workout when I head back to school.  Right now I'm enjoying my running time outside!


Isn't this the truth??


How smart is this?  Since I'm putting together my Rise and Shine Binders, I know I'll be using this idea for sure!

I made this copy of the WBT classroom rules and it's been a popular pin!

I don't know why, but at the beginning of the year I can get the hot dog and hamburger folds straight.  Then something happens to my brain in the middle of the year (probably because I have so much to remember) I get them confused.  The pin links to a free download on TPT to help the students (and you) remember what direction is what.


I intended to make this for my parents since they watched our dogs while we were gone.  Time got the best of me and I left them a bag of M&M's instead.

Hopefully I'll have some cruise pictures for you tomorrow.  I would probably take more pictures if I had an actual camera and not just my phone.  Too bad on the first cruise (our honeymoon) I dropped my brand new camera onto the pool deck from the deck above.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last day to enter!

Last day to enter!

Here are the prizes!

Love Collaboration Cuties' store!  Their clip art is one of my favorites!

Julie has turned learning about reading strategies into something fun and interactive for students!  They won't forget these strategies!

Who doesn't need more digraph practice?  I know my students could always benefit from this!

Lindsay just finished up the Becoming Peacemakers packet and she had me at the cover page.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Have you entered yet??

Only a few more days to enter!

Here are the prizes!

Love Collaboration Cuties' store!  Their clip art is one of my favorites!

Julie has turned learning about reading strategies into something fun and interactive for students!  They won't forget these strategies!

Who doesn't need more digraph practice?  I know my students could always benefit from this!

Lindsay just finished up the Becoming Peacemakers packet and she had me at the cover page.

Make sure to enter! You have until midnight on Thursday, July 25th to enter!  I'll announce the winners when I'm back from my trip!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Celebration Time!

It's celebration time!  But before I get to all of the details, I wanted to share about the Atlanta blogger meet up today.

Left to Right:
Jessica, Ideas by Jivey
Alison, Eberopolis
Elizabeth, Fun in Room 4B

After the Swan Coach House, we headed to IKEA where I promptly filled up my cart and then at the checkout counter realized I left my debit card in my car. Whomp, whomp, whomp. Fail. But I had $40 worth of cash, so I left with only a polka dot rug.

It's a steal at $20!

I'm leaving for my cruise in 3 short hours....yup we're leaving at 3am and I'm not in bed yet.  It's going to be a LOOONNNG day!

But I've been putting together the finishing touches on this giveaway!

And finishing up my grad course work for the week....about fruit salad and RTI.  You would think I was kidding about the fruit salad....

Back to the giveaway!  Today's my birthday. Although I officially stopping celebrating 2 years, I figured someone should have some fun!  I also started my blog about a year ago so I figured I should have a joint celebration.

Here are the prizes!

Love Collaboration Cuties' store!  Their clip art is one of my favorites!

Julie has turned learning about reading strategies into something fun and interactive for students!  They won't forget these strategies!

Who doesn't need more digraph practice?  I know my students could always benefit from this!

Lindsay just finished up the Becoming Peacemakers packet and she had me at the cover page.

Make sure to enter! You have until midnight on Thursday, July 25th to enter!  I'll announce the winners when I'm back from my trip!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday and Favorite Things

In today's Throwback Thursday I'm going back to the first unit I ever created.

Eeekk!  It's a little embarrassing, but I was SO proud of actually making a unit.  It took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to make it and I've learned so much in the past year.

August 27, 2012

Our first science unit of the year is Space. The students really enjoying learning about the universe and all about each planet. It's still so hard for me not to teach that Pluto is not a planet! Luckily, there is a book out there called Pluto: A Dwarf Planet  by Thomas K. Adamson that helps me cope with this semi-new fact.

This year I wanted to add a few things of my own and made my own Solar System Activities.  Here is a list of what my packet includes:
  • Black & white planet templates to use for any activity you choose to do in the classroom.  I usually have my students color the planets and place them in order.
  • Ordinal Number Planets Center.  Print out the planet and ordinal number cards.  Have the student order the planets and match up the correct ordinal numbers.  There is also a recording sheet for this center.
  • Label the Planets Worksheet
  • My Alien Writing Paper
  • Astronaut Space Camp Activity


I spent some time revamping the unit yesterday.  I changed around some fonts and added new graphics.

I made a collage of the unit using the tips by Jivey in this post.  (You should really check out all of her Techy Tips!)

Oh my goodness.  So much easier.

This week's topic is favorite things for your home.

I absolutely love my IKEA coffee table!  It was only $20!  You can't beat that.

I think this was my favorite wedding present.  My mom said that every woman should have a Kitchen-aid mixer because they are so fabulous.

I don't know what I would do without my computer!  It's true, once you have a Mac, you won't go back!  I have had mine for almost 5 years and I have had no issues.  I haven't even had to use Norton Anti-Virus Software that always slowed down my PC.

I love my bed and sleep!

Not my real bed, but it looks comfy!

Head on over to The First Grade Parade and Across the Hall in 2nd Grade for more posts about these topics!