Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday Flashback & a Freebie

Gosh, this week had been a rough one for me! I took off on Monday and ended up taking today off too. On Monday I got a text saying a student had those special little bugs.  Luckily it didn't spread! Then I had two students catch the stomach bug. And somehow, despite my Lysol attempts, I ended up with the stomach bug yesterday.

I do have a little hint about students getting sick in the class.  I have this little rule I tell them at the beginning of the year.  It applies to when I'm in reading groups and when I'm working with students.  The only way a student is allowed to interrupt me is if they are bleeding, have a broken bone or barfing.  (Sorry for that.) I call it the 3 B's.  It generally cracks them up, but they remember it.  I tell them that if they feel like they are going to do the 3rd B they just need to run for the bathroom. It works! Out of the six years I've been teaching it's never happened in my classroom!

Are you still with me? ;)

I searched my phone and I only had one good shot of something we did this week.

We kicked off our weather unit by learning about meteorologists and basic types of weather. In writing, we created this craft from Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten.

We brainstormed the different types of weather that it could be tomorrow - sunny, partly cloudy, windy, rainy, etc. Each student wrote their own prediction and drew a picture of of what they would look like if they were a meteorologist. Here's the writing template for you.

Click the picture to download.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea for weather...I'll have to remember that one for next year! :) Love your 3 B's too....sure hope your students are feeling better next week and that no extra "little friends" return to your classroom! Those are the worst! :(

    Teaching Maddeness
