Saturday, March 30, 2013

Five Things Saturday!

This is going to be short and sweet.  I have to run out in the door in about 30 minutes and I forgot to take pictures at school this week. So it's going to be a little random too!

1. I spent yesterday shopping since my school was closed for Good Friday. I had to consciously avoid buying items in that lovely new spring color, mint.

I've already bought 5 shirts or dresses that are mint. I LOVE that color - goes perfectly with my red hair!

I tried on a coral stripped top at Old Navy (can't find picture)...was a little afraid that it would clash with my hair, but it looked good!

2. I could not find the right sandals to save my life yesterday. I needed them for an event this afternoon. Where did I finally find them?

Yeah, I should have started there, right?

3. I won a few giveaways this week! I swear it seems like I enter a ton and never win, but I finally struck gold! Here are the products I won if you are searching for some new things.

4. My Spring Break is STILL not for another week. The county where I live is out this week, but my school decided to do it's own thing and choose a different week (April 8-12). I need Spring Break like ASAP. 

Have you had your spring break yet?  If you did, did you stay home or go anywhere?  I'm going to spend a few days in NC at my parents' house.  I'm looking forward to it because the last time I saw my dad he was in ICU (at Christmas). I'm happy he's finally getting better.

5. I finished up a new Spring Math Center Packet.  I always have grand plans to make 10 centers, then maybe 5 centers....and this packet is 3 centers (at least then it's a little cheaper!) Hopefully I'll have more time on my hands this summer to make some longer packets!

The first center reviews fact families.

Money review with some cute chicks from Collaboration Cuties!

Shape Sort - 2D/3D shapes

The first THREE people to comment can receive this packet for FREE. Otherwise it's on sale (along with the rest of my TPT store) until tomorrow 3/31.


  1. Congrats on winning some giveaways. I feel the same way- I always enter but rarely win! When I do I am on cloud 9! Haha! Your new Spring unit looks adorable. Sending you some will power to make it through until your Spring Break.


  2. I'm sure you are longing for your spring break! Your latest pack looks adorable! Congratulations on your recent wins!

  3. Looks super cute! I am your new partner for the Product Swap! Thats how I found you! Congrats on your wins!


  4. I LOVE Old Navy and Target!! They have cute clothes and cheap!!! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  5. Sorry to hear you have to wait ANOTHER week until Spring Break! Hope you have a nice weekend at least!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies
